Back From Dementia2021-03-18T22:24:15+00:00

“Your story is very empowering.”

— Lynne McTaggert, author of “The Field”, “The Bond”,
and co-publisher of the magazine, What Doctors Don’t Tell You.

Bringing Mom Back From Dementia

This book contains an abundance of useful information for anyone suffering from or assisting someone with Dementia.  Bringing Mom Back From Dementia is the full account of my mother’s experience and the description of her treatment and remarkable recovery.

My elderly mother had lost nearly all of her short-term memory and was rapidly losing her ability to think clearly or even recognize her own children.  She had multiple health conditions that can trigger different types of Dementia, including some behaviors associated with Alzheimer’s.  She had been diagnosed as having severe progressive Dementia.    Most doctors had told us it was hopeless, and we should prepare ourselves to live with her ever-worsening condition.

Fortunately, we were able to find a doctor willing to see what could be done.

We explored many possible treatments that might help her memory, cognition, and physical health including:

  • Bioidentical Hormones
  • Chelation
  • Thyroid support
  • Nutritional therapy
  • Hearing loss
  • Allergy treatments
  • and many others

The sad fact is that mental decline and dementia are often considered as untreatable and an inevitable part of aging.

The good news is that these problems can in many cases be helped through natural, non-toxic, and affordable means.  Welcome to the true story of my mother’s return to clarity and the great improvement in her life.

Bringing Mom Back From Dementia Book

What you have accomplished is FABULOUS!

I wish I had read Bringing Mom Back From Dementia when my mother in law had Alzheimer’s and died from it 10 years ago. As an M.D., I will apply all the knowledge that you shared, with all my patients suffering from old age memory loss and Alzheimer’s.”
— Dr. Jose Luis Romo Razo, M.D.

Bringing Mom Back From Dementia

is an excellent read, full of information and facts that cannot be denied and that elude a large majority of modern medical practitioners. As a retired nurse practitioner myself, it holds a place for me as a reference manual for myself, family members and colleagues. Well done!”
— Claudette Palmer, B.S., R.N., F.N.P

Frequently Asked Questions

How long did her recovery last?2021-03-03T20:37:19+00:00

As long as she stayed with her program, she did great.  She enjoyed good memory and functioning until her passing six years later.

How long did it take before your mother started improving?2021-03-03T20:36:54+00:00

It only took three months.  The first three months I had to be very diligent.

What was the biggest obstacle that you encountered to getting her the right help?2021-03-03T20:36:23+00:00

The biggest obstacle I encountered was the general lack of knowledge about improvement possibilities for dementia. Most people, including most doctors I spoke with, thought it was a lost cause before we even began. I know many people believe that there is nothing that can be done when a person starts losing their faculties, however there are possibilities for help.

In addition, I’ve noted that some people are reluctant to getting a second or third opinion when they get a dementia diagnosis.  It is worth a search to find out what can be done.

Do you think what helped your mother would help a person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s?2021-03-03T20:35:30+00:00

I’m optimistic about it.  My mother had progressive dementia with mixed causes which included some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

Are Alzheimer’s and dementia the same thing?2021-03-29T15:55:13+00:00

Although many people use those words interchangeably, there are different types of dementia and Alzheimer’s is one of them.

Do you know what caused her dementia onset?2021-03-03T20:34:30+00:00

In my mother’s particular case, there were a number of possible contributing factors. Any one of these issues, by themselves, could have triggered a physiological breakdown leading to dementia, but she had multiple problems.

What was your mother’s condition like before she had the treatments that were helpful to her?2021-03-03T20:33:47+00:00

She was very confused much of the time and her short-term memory was completely gone! She could not remember anything she said or did five minutes before.

Her self-protective instincts were gone, and she had even allowed a total stranger into her home, who was caught going through her drawers.

She was getting into accidents and not realizing what had happened.

It was terrifying to watch her decline!

What inspired you to write Bringing Mom Back From Dementia?2021-03-03T20:33:18+00:00

I witnessed my mother’s improvement from dementia and came to realize that very few people know that there are options and possible improvements with memory, cognition, and concentration losses

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