What Is Dementia?

Dementia is a mental condition characterized by a serious decline in memory and cognition, often leading to confusion, disorientation and mood swings.  It can rob a person of their ability to reason as well as their language and survival skills.

There are different types of Dementia which have different physical causes. Some people have mixed Dementia or Dementia stemming from multiple conditions.

Dementia is frequently associated with aging, but more and more middle-aged people are having Dementia. It has become a worldwide crisis.

For anyone going through this, and for anyone trying to help them, it can be an agonizing situation unless the right treatment is discovered.

Bringing Mom Back From Dementia, describes the successful treatment and reversal of my mother’s Dementia symptoms.  The results were a dramatic revitalization, and improvement in her quality of life.

Bringing Mom Back From Dementia Flat Book Cover

When my mother’s doctor started working with her, she was given a series of exams and lab tests to check on her overall physical condition.  These tests as well as observing her physical appearance and behavior helped set the foundation for which areas to focus on.  We considered many modalities, some of which are described below.

Showing signs of dementia

“I recently finished this wonderful book. It is well written and very informative. If you or anyone you know is showing signs of dementia this book is a must read. I am giving a copy to my daughter just in case I ever exhibit signs like Susan’s mother.”

– KC

Potential Modalities for Treating Dementia

Bioidentical Hormones

She was given certain Bioidentical hormones.  Bioidentical hormone treatment is not the same as hormone replacement therapy or HRT.  To learn more about Bioidentical hormones see pages 33-36.39-40,74

Hearing and Dementia

If someone is suffering hearing loss (or vision loss) it can affect their memory and cognition, particularly if they are unaware of it.  My mother didn’t realize that she was losing her hearing.  There was a connection between the two problems.

To learn more read pages 17,22-24,73

Nutritional Patterns

Some of the tests the doctor did for my mother looked into nutritional deficiency and allergy possibilities.  Some of her dietary habits were creating dangerous conditions in her body and were contributors to her dementia symptoms.  A lot of the success of her treatment can be attributed to her change of diet. Learn more about this critically important area see pages 12,33-37,42-44,59-60,74

Ms. Lake is an inspiration to us all

“I applaud Susan Lake for wondering if her mother’s diagnosis of dementia was “clad in stone” or merely a label given to a complex of symptoms which could be unraveled! As a Clinical Nutritionist myself and a daughter of a 95 year old, I have seen many people (young and old) including my mom, return to mental clarity and improve their memory, energy, and sense of well-being by simple food, nutrient and lifestyle changes. These changes, along with identifying and resolving chronic yet common health issues can unlock the door of dementia. Ms. Lake is an inspiration to us all: a sense of wonder, a questioning mind, a determination to help her mom, and the sense to partner with her mom’s doctors and health practitioners to not stop, but to find the underlying causes for her mom’s state of decline. She has exhibited through her story many lines of approach, which will inspire me to not stop until all avenues are explored. Thank you, Susan Lake! Your mom’s success will inspire many!”

– Leni Felton CCN


Chelation, pronounced Key-lay-shon, is often an IV drip, but can also come in the form of suppositories, or an oral supplement. Chelation therapy was originally designed to help remove heavy metals and toxic chemicals from the bloodstream.  I was wondering if Chelation would help my mother’s memory, and the doctor was open to considering this.  Find out more on pages 25,26, 30.75

Struggling with dementia

“I wish this book had been written when my mother, (and our family as a whole) was struggling with her dementia. Unfortunately, it’s too late for her, but not apparently for countless others who may be suffering from this debilitating condition.”

– KF

Glandular Imbalances

Our glands have many functions in our body including the speed of our metabolism, the creation of hormones, and the development of our bones, heart muscles and brain function. There can be a link to underactive thyroid and underactive adrenals and reduced memory, although not in every case.  Read more on pages 13.21-22.29.30-31,73-74

There were other treatments we also considered. It took about three months before we started seeing signs of improvement. After that her mind, memory and life gradually and greatly improved.


June 2014 Issue of What Doctors Don’t Tell You

In the June 2014 Issue of What Doctors Don’t Tell You (the US edition), there is an article about the book Bringing Mom Back from Dementia, and an interview with Susan.

This is an exceptionally good magazine about health and wellness, and the article is written by Lynne McTaggert, who’s writings have inspired people all over the world.

In the US edition, the article begins on page 60 and is titled “From Who Are You? to Singing Arias.” There is quite a bit of helpful information in this piece. Enjoy!


“After going through years of caregiving for my mother-in-law who suffered from Alzheimer’s, I wish I would have had this book back then.  I could relate to many of the symptoms in the book to those she had.  To me if it can work for one person, it can work for many people. I know it took dedication on the author’s part, but it had to be so rewarding to see her mom come “back to life”. I am going to incorporate this into my life to possibly help in my own future.”

– JH

Interview with David Stouder of The Vitamin Shelf – December 19, 2013

TheVitaminShelf has had an ongoing series of interesting interviews for many years regarding health oriented issues.